
Top 10 tallest mountains in Eurasia - millerandised1956

Eurasia is literally dotted with the tallest mountains, among which there are truly striking specimens. Every crampoon dreams of conquering them. But what is on that point to conquer: just to consider this greatness is already deserving a parcel out.

This assemblage contains the 10 tallest mountains in Eurasia, from Bestrid Everest to Mont Blanc

1. Mount Mount Everest, 8848 m

Mount Everest

Mount Everest means "Goddess" in Tibetan: the mountain is located in the South of Tangri district in southern Tibet, happening the border of the Central Himalayas betwixt China and Nepal. Its white peak radiates a silver glow class after year, and the" waist " of the mountain is hidden in clouds.

The best time to visit is from April to June, the Golden period for mountaineers. All twelvemonth, a large number of brave and solid mountaineers come from all over the world to mount the mountain, fulfill a lifelong dream, and look down from the highest extremum on Earth.

2. Chogori, 8611 m


Chogori in Tajik means "eminent and majestic peaks", which accurately describes the mountain. It is located on the border between China and Pakistan and in else countries is besides called K2 peak. This is one of the most difficult peaks to climb, recognized by the world-wide mountaineering community.

Chogori is the second blossom in the world, but the death rate among climbers is higher than that of Setting Mt. Everest. These are very scary numbers, thusly the mountain was nicknamed "wild peak". So far, nobelium woman has been competent to reach the top.

3. Ulugh Muztagh, 7723 m

Ulugh Muztagh

The mountain is settled in an extremely lay waste to place, and numerous call IT the virtually difficult summit on globe to climb. Ulugh Muztagh is part of the central Kunlunyi rooftree and is located along the highest plateau on the border on of Thibet (Sitsang) and Xinjiang provinces.

On the south side, the filiation is solitary about 1,500 m to the immense flat surface of Chang Tan, just on the septrional ridges and subpeaks an intricate terrain with rugged topography forms. In the westmost and east, the chief Kunlun ridge continues with small peaks for almost a thou kilometers in each direction.

4. Kongur Tagh, 7649 m

Kongur Tagh

Kongur is the highest peak of Pamir Mountains, which is settled along the Kongur-Tag ridge. The ridge stretches southward from the Gezgari gorge. The Karakorum highway from Pakistan to People's Republic of China (Kashgar-Islamabad) runs along its bottom and in this agency, the nearest hamlet to the top is Gez, located 18 kilometers from the foot of the top. Due to its location, thousands of tourists and climbers visit information technology every year.

5. Somoni Peak, 7495 m

Somoni Peak

The occurrent official name is Ismail Somoni Superlative, but the key out did not stick, and at that place is an assumption that this wish never happen. The mountain was called Garmo until 1933, then – Stalin's peak. Nikita Khrushchev definite to deepen the name to Communism Peak in 1962. In 1998, the leadership of Tajikistan decided to baptize the acme in observ of the founder of the original Tajik state – Ismail Somoni.

It is a huge peak, and although information technology is surrounded aside unusual high mountains, it does dominate the area. It is located in the part of the Pamirs called the Academy of Sciences. The first ascent was made on the eastern ridge on September 3, 1933.

6. Pobeda Peak, 7439 m

Pobeda Peak

Pobeda Peak is one of three 7,000-plus m giants in Kyrgyzstan. With a height of 7439 meters, it is the highest mountain in the Tien Shan range, which covers Kirghizstan, Kazakhstan, and Northwestern United States China.

The mountain lies in the Kokshaal Tau region on the border with China. The eastern slopes of the mountain are actually in Republic of China, and the frame itself runs through the summit and along ridges stretching to the east and western.

Sixteen kilometers to the north-easterly, separated from IT past the Southeasterly Inylchek glacier, is Mount Khan Tengri (7010 meters). Over the geezerhood, these two giants were oft mixed-up with each some other. This is understandable surrendered the remoteness and difficulties in reaching the mountain – and the fact that although Khan Tengri is often clearly visible, Victory is most often obscured by clouds.

In addition, Caravan inn Tengri looks more impressive in its pyramidal shape, and Pobeda, although called the "Peak", has the condition of an "set out" with several peaks along its ridge (merely extraordinary of which actually reaches complete 7000 meters). Another reason could be that Pobeda Peak is farther from the valleys that provide the main access routes to the region, and therefore appeared smaller.

7. Lenin Peak, 7134 m

Lenin Peak

This is Vladimir Ilich Ulyanov Peak, renamed in July 2006 as Ibn Sina Peak or Avicenna Peak. It rises in Gorno Badakhshan on the border of Republic of Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan and is the second-highest point in both countries.

It is believed to be one of the lightest 7,000-meter peaks in the world to climb, and has the most ascents of whatever 7,000-meter or more on Earth, with hundreds of climbers making their manner to the summit annually.

The peak was discovered in 1871 and was originally named Riding horse Kaufman in honor of Konstantin George S. Kaufman, the initiatory regulator-general of Turkestan. In 1928, the mountain was renamed Lenin Peak in honor of the Country revolutionary and the first leader of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, Vladimir Lenin.

In Tajikistan, the peak was renamed again in July 2006, and nowadays IT is officially called the Republic of Tajikistan peak Kullay Abuali ibni Sino operating theatre Ibn Sina, although in Kyrgyzstan information technology is noneffervescent formally called Lenin Chokusu (Lenin Peak).

8. Peak Korzhenevskaya, 7105 m

Peak Korzhenevskaya

Korzhenevskaya Peak is the third largest peak in the Pamirs and the fourth largest in the former Soviet Union. It is located south of the Tadzhikistan-Kyrgyz surround in the Peter the First massif. IT rises on the southern banking concern of the Muksu River, and to the west of the summit, there is the Fortambek glacier. Korzhenevskaya Flower is located just a few kilometers northwestern of Somoni Heyday.

It was first determined in 1905 by Professor of Geography Korzhenevsky, who followed the Muksu River to the southern side of meat of the prime. He titled IT after his wife Evgenia Korzhenevskaya.

The first ascent was made in 1953: and then a Leningrad team of octet low-level the leadership of A. Ugarov approached the summit from the northwest through the Muksu valley, ascended the lower Fortambek glacier, and climbed to the summit from the western side of meat.

In 1972, the first raise was made by an alone female team up, and in 1986 the first overwinter ascent took place.

9. Mount Elbrus, 5642 m

Mount Elbrus

The highest mountain in Europe is a inactive volcano and one of the seven peaks in the world. Information technology is start out of the Caucasus Mountains, which stretch for 880 km from the Black Sea to the Caspian. This forms a physical roadblock separating Europe and Asia.

Elbrus with double peaks dominates the Central Caucasus. The western vertex is the highest of the two – 5642 meters, and the height of the eastern elevation is 5621 meters.

10. Mont Blanc, 4810 m

Mont Blanc

The mountain range, reaching an altitude of 4,810 meters, is the perfect place to admire the fantastic highland landscapes with glaciers, peaks, and snowy peaks.

In Venerable 1786, guide Jacques Balmat and Dr. Michel Gabriel Pakkar reached the height of Mont Blanc for the first time. The mountain range is very favorite with skiers and mountaineers, but also suitable for little sportsmanlike holidays.

Many of the famous sites are accessible by string or cable car. The cable car from Chamonix will subscribe you to Aiguille du Midi at an altitude of 3842 m in just 20 minutes. This place offers a panoramic view of Mont Blanc and its massif.

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